Friday, 19 December 2008

TCM - An Update

Members of staff in CHSSC were sent the following email on Wednesday 17th:-

We are writing to correct considerable inaccuracies in the statement made by John Dobson in relation to TCM in the School of CHSSC. All the points noted below have been raised frequently in a series of meetings in relation to Phase 1 of Project Headroom; namely:
• The original business case was carefully put together. Its key point was the academic case for re-structuring; we recognised that TCM made a small surplus.
• The union’s re-calculation of the finances of the programme, incorrectly omitted some of the staffing costs and overheads; plus, that retention has been an ongoing issue, several students are part-time and several have ELQs. Our re-calculations of their figures confirmed our original finding that TCM made a small surplus.
• TCM as an undergraduate programme is no longer a sound academic fit for the School.
• The loss of income from TCM undergraduates will be replaced by recruiting students in other subject areas which are a sound academic fit for the School.
• The School and Faculty are working with TCM staff to determine whether a sound research profile can be established for TCM which would give it a place, allied to a clinical research base, in our PG portfolio. This latter option is to be developed over the next few years while the TCM undergraduate programme is still running. If successful, one post which is VS would be saved before the staff member is due to leave in 2010.
• The union has at no time given any alternative options which would achieve the £980k saving

Dr Ruth Wright, Head of School CHSSC;
Professor Cynthia Pine, Executive Dean of the Faculty;
Mr Simon Attwell Director of Finance”

The following observations spring to mind:
 The authors acknowledge that TCM makes a surplus
 There is no explanation as to how the additional recruitment in other subject areas, to cover the loss of TCM income, will come about
 The potential for TCM in some postgraduate format is clearly far from a certainty, particularly since it is not known yet which School will host this. Furthermore, there is no reason to lose a viable undergraduate programme while developing the postgraduate one.
 Salford UCU has never accepted that £980K should be saved as it has consistently refuted the basis for Project Headroom, hence no alternative options to save this amount

The only conclusion is that TCM was always to be closed, regardless of UCUS efforts – “no longer a sound academic fit for the School”.