Friday, 28 November 2008

More Pictures from the Lobby & ILS Update

Those people being made "voluntarily" redundant have now received their letters. Staff in ILS still under threat from Project "Headroom" have been invited to meetings to be informed of the next steps. None of the remaining staff want to leave, like all of those under threat, many have families and mortgages to pay, few are nearing retirement age.

Being made redundant from an IT post during a time of recession when many privatised industries are cutting back is causing stress amongst the remaining staff, and I am sure that this is also true of staff in the 2 affected Schools. We believe that the remaining staff losses could be made due to "natural wastage" ie not filling posts when staff leave and waiting for retirees to reach their retirement date, however the powers that be do not appear to want to consider this as an option.

If anyone has any information about what is happening on the ground, and how staff are feeling, in SBS and CHSSC please let us know.

In the meantime here are some more pictures from Wednesday night's lobby of the SBS Annual Lecture, showing the support from the Student Union.