Thursday, 1 December 2011

Wednesday's Action

Below is an extract of an e-mail sent by our Branch President this morning. If you have not received the full message, and are a member at The University of Salford, please contact the communications officer quoting your membership number and we will add you to the list.

"Thank you for all of your support yesterday. It was a great day, and our march took in two great cities; Salford and Manchester. The education sections, including UCU, were most impressive and public support was good too. The support from both the older and younger generation on the route was very moving. Our thanks also go out to the Salford Students and their Union who were behind us on the 30th, and furthermore visited our picket lines to make their support known. Thanks also go to the solidarity of the Post Office Staff and others who turned their delivery round so as not to cross an official picket line. "

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

USS Action

For all the latest news on the USS dispute, don't forget to visit UCU's national website.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

EGM Reminder

Don't forget that the EGM is today, Wednesday 23rd November at 1pm. Peel Building, Room 337.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

EGM Notification – VIP Speaker Confirmed

Dear Members,

An EGM will be held on Wednesday 23rd November at 1pm until 2pm in Peel Building Room 337. The Senior UCU Negotiator on pensions, Alan Carr, will speak to the meeting about the progress and challenges facing the union in its attempts to prevent the theft of our pensions. We are very grateful for Alan's attendance as he is the UCU expert on pensions and has attended all the negotiations with the employer's representatives.

30th November Strike Day

Dear Members,

There will be an EGM between the 21st and the pensions strike day of 30th November. This will enable us to update you on our Industrial Action, and to let you know if the Strike has been called off due to a settlement. The Branch Secretary will send out details in due course.

Further information on progress with the USS dispute has been emailed to members this morning. If you are a UCU member at Salford University and have not received an email today, please contact the Communications Officer quoting your membership number and we will ensure you are added to the mailing list.

Friday, 11 November 2011

High Level of Enquiries - Working to Contract

Dear members,

We are receiving a high volume of traffic regarding this subject, unfortunately this week the Branch Secretary is unavailable, and the VP and Treasurer are training. Things should be back to normal by Monday when we will have our full capacity back.

It would be helpful if members who have a Rep in the first instance approach their Rep. It will also help if you have a copy of your contract, your workload and can ask your line manager before contacting the Branch; ‘is this voluntary’ or is it ‘part of my workload’. By all means if you are still struggling to understand the instructions please email the Branch, or re-email the Branch, if the delay in answering is problematic.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Important Advice From UCU Salford's Health & Safety Officer

By law, every employer must perform a suitable and sufficient analysis of workstations (Regulation 2, Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992).

Information provided by users is an essential part of an assessment. But the employer has to “Arrange training for users on the risks, and safe behaviour and practices” and also arrange training for “workstation assessors”. Involving workers actively in the assessments is good practice, but who among us has been trained? The guidance to the regulations emphasise that “Whatever type of checklist is used, employers should ensure workers have received the necessary training before being asked to complete one.” (their bolding, not mine).

The user filling in the checklist should only be the first stage, not the whole assessment. A properly trained workstation assessor should go over the completed checklists, clarify any doubtful points, and tackle problems that the user can’t solve. This assessor is likely to be the trained safety co-ordinator in the school. So it seems to me that the instruction to staff from the Heads of Directorate that “Any issues arising from your DSE Workstation Assessment should be discussed with me as your Line Manager” could be questioned. It might be worth enquiring as to the extent of their training.

Of course, other factors, including rest breaks and office conditions - particularly humidity - can also be very important in the development of screen-related problems. Assessments should also be reviewed in the light of room changes, software changes etc.

The University of Salford code of practice is here:

The HSE guide is also useful:

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

URGENT - Hourly Paid Staff - LEGAL ADVICE

Dear Hourly Paid Lecturers,

Please attend this meeting today (12.30 until 2pm in Allerton L527). It is imperative that you attend and receive legal advice regarding the recent redundancies including the reductions in hours.