The Manchester College have:
Attacked education provision for the most vulnerable in society by
- Closing a creche, damanging access for single mothers and others
- Closing basic ESOL courses, limiting access for refugees
- Closing sign language courses, hurting disability access
- Refusing to discuss ways to avoid redundancy
- Failing to outline proper reasons for the redundancies
- Failing to agree or even discuss redundancy selection criteria
- Failing to use objective selection criteria
- Failing to make any real efforts towards redeployment
- Refusing those to be made redundant attendance at their own appeal
- No courses to close or hours to be cut from courses
- No proper justification given for redundancy
- Shortage of maths teachers now evident at college
- Management legally found to have victimised trade unionists before
- Refusing to meet with the union
- Refusing legally required facility time for reps i.e. time used to help members
- Aiming to introduce new contracts for all teachers
With further cuts in public funding ahead, and already over a million unemployed young people in the UK, we say:
- No education cuts and job losses when society needs education more than ever.
- Educational provision for the most vulnerable should be especially protected.
- Trade unions should be allowed to operate freely and independently.
- Our Branch Secretary, and the others made redundant, should be reinstated.
Management at the college are connected to the Labour Part (who also run the City Council). We like to hope that we can get support and help if we let them know what is really happening at the college. Please come along.
or meet after work at 6.30 in the Bull's Head opp lower entrance to Picc. Station