We are getting a lot of very concerned members in the three areas affected by Phase One redundancies (Business School/ILS/CHSSC) asking us what will happen to them if they do not volunteer by 10th November 2008.
Our advice is quite simple.
- Requests for information from members in Phase 1 Areas. Members in Phase 1 who might possibly have even the remotest interest in VS should ask for their personal financial data on VS and if over 50, their pensions estimate. This request is confidential and will not result in you being placed on a redundancy list at a future date.
- Requests for information from members in Phase 2 Areas. Members in Phase 2 (all other Schools and Departments) cannot request detailed estimates at the moment. However anybody in Phase 2 areas who thinks that they may be interested in VS and early retirement (if over 50yrs), should visit the personnel web-site (voluntary severance section). Links will enable members to carry out their own rough calculations.
- If you want VS/early retirement, let us know because you may be able to change places with someone who is being made redundant in Phase 1.
- 10th November deadline for volunteers from Phase One. Members in the three areas in Phase one should only put their names forward during the period 5-10th November if they want to be seriously considered for redundancy. If you do not want to be made redundant, you do not have to put your name forward. You can do yourself no possible harm by not volunteering at this stage. Should the worst happen, and your post becomes redundant, you will have other opportunities to volunteer.
John Dobson
Salford UCU